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T1055 Process Injection

24. Mai 2020

picus Logo 2019It is easy to detect malware processes by listing the running processes and filtering out legitimate ones that are part of the operating system or installed software. If the malware can encapsulate its malicious code within a legitimate process, it will hide on the infected system. Process injection is in fact an “old but gold” technique consisting in running arbitrary code within the address space of another process. As a result, this technique enables access to the target process’s memory, system, and network resources.


On this account, the technique provides three significant benefits for adversaries:

 - Executing code under a legitimate process may evade security controls. The legitimate process camouflages the malicious code to evade detection since it is whitelisted.
 - Since the malicious code executed inside the legitimate process’s memory space, it may also evade disk forensics.
 - If the target process has elevated privileges, this technique will enable privilege escalation. For example, if the target process has access to network resources, the malicious code can communicate legitimately over the Internet and with other computers on the same network. more!