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Achieving Five Nines of Reliability: Dream or Reality?

08. November 2021

onelogin 400x120 colorIn one of my previous blog posts, I described how we started our journey to achieve five nines of reliability (and why is it so critical for identity management systems like OneLogin), how we defined our metric, first successes, first failures, and where we ended in 2020. This next part is a continuation of that journey through October 2021.

The chart on top summarizes where we ended at the end of 2020 and the contribution of the key project “Red-Zone” (an engineering-wide focused effort on all the necessary reliability works). At the end of 2020, we reset our original goal of four nines to a new one: “Reach four and a half nines (99.995%) by end of Q1 and five nines (99.999%) by end of 2021.” more!