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How External Cybersecurity Helps You Stay Safe Online

26. Oktober 2023

Navigating digital landscapes is so second nature to many of us, it can be easy to forget how treacherous they can be. Cybersecurity Awareness Month is an excellent opportunity to remind your organization’s employees about the importance of proceeding cautiously on the Internet. It can also offer cybersecurity professionals a chance to draw attention to their important work and review security measures that can keep your information safe.

In order to assist you in making the most of Cybersecurity Awareness Month this October, here are some practical tips you can institute to boost your online safety. The theme for the 2023 Cybersecurity Awareness Month is “It’s easy to stay safe online”, and these simple tips to enhance your cybersecurity awareness will help that feel true for your organization.

The Significance Of Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Cybersecurity Awareness Month was launched in 2004 as a collaboration between the US Department of Homeland Security and the National Cybersecurity Alliance. What may have felt like a novelty in 2004 now can easily be acknowledged as a vital part of the ongoing battle against increasingly complex cyber threats. Dedicating an entire month to strategy in cybersecurity awareness only makes sense when, according to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, around 600,000 Facebook accounts are hacked every single day and the number one cybercrime is the imposter scam, resulting in significant financial loss to individuals and organizations...Read More!