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What is Secure Development?

05. Januar 2024

Secure software development is crucial for any organization that aims to deliver high-quality products and applications. With attack vectors becoming increasingly prevalent, creating secure development practices within teams is more critical than ever. With pressures to deliver products and applications quickly, security often seems at odds with development velocity. Security is seen as a bottleneck that can be deferred until after the product launches to market. For security to become a priority, a security-by-design mindset is necessary, which is the core focus of today’s blog post.

Secure Software Development Life Cycle (Secure SDLC)

Secure Development is centered around the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (Secure SDLC), which is a sequence of phases that software goes through during development. The five main phases are Planning, Design, Implementation, Verification and Maintenance. By incorporating security practices into every phase of the Secure SDLC, organizations can significantly reduce the security risks associated with the software they launch into the market...Read More!