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Focus on Use Cases to Improve Security Operations

02 September 2019


There was a time when the term “use case” was confined to product development meetings where software and systems engineers worked through defining why and how a product would be used in order to create requirements. Use cases remain a critical tool to ensure teams are building products their customers need and can use.

Fast forward ten years and it seems that everyone in the security industry is talking about use cases. Industry analysts advise clients to select products based on use cases. Vendors market and sell solutions based on use cases. And security professionals are evaluating and purchasing products based on use cases, with good reason.

The security market has become confusing and it is not about the product or technology to be used; it is about solving a specific problem. Put another way, you don’t know what to buy unless you start with the why. Only then can you determine the capabilities and technologies you need. Here are some of the top use cases security professionals are focused on today. Read more...